Useful Numbers

Bars & Restaurants

Below is a list of bars and restaurants in the general area. If readers are aware of any changes to the phone numbers, then email us at ALTINKUM/DIDIM Alo 24: 813 2301 or 813 8484 Big Ben: 813 4001 Cash’s Terrace Restaurant: 811 6721 or 0535 636 1230 Caspers: 0543 965 8411 Circus: 813 7417…

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Voices Phonebook

Some useful at a glance numbers. Voices will be increasing the list in due course: International Codes UK: 00 44 Ireland: 00 353 Belgium: 00 32 Denmark: 00 45 Germany: 00 49 USA: 00 1 Emergency Fire:  110 Traffic Police: 154 Police: 155 Gendarme:  156 Ambulance: 112 Coast Guard: 158 Zabita: 153 Water Problems: 185…

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