Voices Blog: Power to the people!



A quick guide to keeping ahead of planned power cuts in the Aydin, Mugla and Denizli regions:

POWER cuts – intentional or not – are a part of everyday life in Turkey, but you can try and plan ahead if you know where to look when planned outages strike.

There’s nothing worse than sitting waiting for the electric to come back on while you’re waiting to cook your dinner, use the hairdryer or simply to switch the aircon/TV/water heater on.

aydemIt’s fair to say that Aydem – the supplier of electricity to the Aydin, Mugla and Denizli regions – has come a long way in the last few years, but still their communication skills are not yet sparkling.

So here’s a quick way to staying aware of planned power blackouts in your area:

Go to:

Aydem’s home page: http://www.admelektrik.com.tr/

Click: Hizmitler (Services) on the toolbar

Click: On the drop down file, click on Bilgi Toplumu Hizmetleri (Information Services)

Click: Bakım Programı ve Planlı Kesinti Listesi (Care Program and Planned Outage List)

Click: Whichever province you live in (Denizli, Aydin or Mugla). So, for example, Didim and Kusadasi would come under Aydin, while Bodrum would come under Mugla.

power cutsClick: The box next to İLÇE SEÇİNİZ and choose the town which you live in.

Click Listele and you will find out what planned power outages are happening on that day.

If you want to avoid all the above, simply store this weblink into your favourites toolbar so you can call it up anytime (other than when the electric is off!).

To call Aydem: 4444 186 or email them at bilgi@aydem.com








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