World Mental Health Day



Kate Ashley-Norman

TODAY (Tuesday October 10) is World Mental Health Day, with a particular theme of mental health in the workplace. Thanks to the likes of Princes William and Harry, and a myriad of other celebrities declaring mental health issues, this once hush hush topic has become openly discussed, debated and divulged in the public arena the world over.

Globally, more than 300 million people suffer from depression. More than 260 million are living with anxiety disorders. A recent WHO-led study estimates that depression and anxiety cost the global economy US$1 trillion each year in lost productivity.

So talking about it is one thing – what is being done to combat it? In the UK, 1 in 5 people suffer from depression, and the use of anti-depressants has doubled in the last decade.

The medicalisation of depression and anxiety leads many to believe that there is something chemically wrong with their brain which can only by treated with pharmaceuticals. Many cognitive based therapies offer relief when firefighting the onset of symptoms, but do little to actually ‘cure’ the condition.

The fact is, both depression and anxiety – no matter how long or deeply ingrained a sufferer believes it to be – can be completely overcome in just weeks, by understanding once and for all WHY a suffered has these ‘symptoms’.

Online, have a watch of Ben’s story on The Thrive Programme’s Youtube channel ( Ben suffered from clinical depression for over a decade. Every treatment he tried was completely disempowering, and often worsened the symptoms.

Yet within six weeks of The Thrive Programme he KNOWS he is completely over his depression and will never suffer from it again. He doesn’t just believe it, he KNOWS it.

Take a look at Mary ( Mary was 81 years old when she went through The Thrive Programme. She had suffered for 75 years with one of the most severe and complex anxiety disorders known – emetophobia, or vomit phobia.

Imagine acute anxiety disorder, OCD, and depression all rolled into one, then ratchet it up several notches. This lady refused chemotherapy as her fear of vomiting was greater than her fear of cancer and death itself!

A few weeks of The Thrive Programme and she has complete cured herself. Three years later and she is still going strong, and totally thriving life to the fullest.

The Thrive Programme has already helped 1000s of people to overcome depression and other debilitating mental health issues, and go on to lead happy and fulfilled lives.

It achieves this by teaching people to be powerful in their lives again, no matter what the obstacles and pot holes they encounter along the way. People who have gone through The Thrive Programme know that whatever happens, they have the mental skills to get through it. It’s not about getting knocked down and getting back up, but standing firm in adversity.

Ultimately that feeling of empowerment can lead to a soaring self-esteem and social confidence that are indicative of the person they know they really are – not the sad, fearful, anxious person they believe they are at the moment.

I shall be running one on one Thrive Programme sessions throughout winter from my Altinkum clinic, or over Skype (it has equally brilliant results when working over Skype).

So if you suffer from depression, anxiety, or any number of other mental health issues, if you are on anti-depressants and want to come off them, if you feel that your own negative thinking is holding you back, then call/message/Whatsapp me for an initial FREE consultation on 0544 3298466.

Remember, The Thrive Programme is NOT therapy – The Thrive Programme will be the start of the rest of your life, free of mental health issues, achieving what you want to achieve, being happy, fulfilled, and excited for what is around the corner.



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