Summer Ball raises 2,300TL



A ROLLICKING good night was had by scores of the Didim community when they turned out for the Didim Help-In-Hands Summer Ball.

The evening, hosted at Meandros Village last Friday, included live music from the lead singer of UK band Short Circuit Miss Kristy-Jo-Ann King, with Didim DJ Daniel Birch on decks.

Help-in-Hands spokesman Barbara Heywood said: “There was good food, great raffle prizes and a free draw that ensured a lot of people went away with more than they came with.

“There were lovely frocks and ‘bling’ abound from the ladies and the gentlemen made a serious effort not to be outdone.”

A short power cut did nothing to spoil the event and even prompted the partygoers to burst into song to keep things lively!!

The evening raised 2,300TL, which will be used to buy 50 Bayram parcels for the poor and needy of the Didim area. Local social service officers will provide the names of the recipients and the parcels will be distributed at the end of Ramadan.


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