Akbuk runs short of water



WHILE tourists have been enjoying the luxury of a cooling dip in their pool or lazying by the Aegean, there seems to have been a more stressful situation arising – a lack of tap water in Akbuk.

Many residents have been contacting Voices to highlight the fact that they either been on rationed water supplies or have had none for several days.

It appears the problem transpired around Thursday July 24 and then hit peak over that immediate weekend and then into this week over the Şeker Bayamı.

Due to the festival, all council buildings have been closed and were only due to open on Thursday and get fully up and running by Friday.

Voices did leave queries but as the newspaper was going to press, we had still not learned of the answers as we went to deadline for today’s edition.

What is likely to happen is that expats and locals alike will have to live with it for the immediate future, but what of the thoughts of tourists hoidaying in apartments hit by the water shortages, we can only guess at.

However, they may well be leaving with a less than happy view of returning again in the height of summer if this problem is likely to be encountered again.

One reader, who has had no water for eight days, said: “This is not funny any more, 40 degree heat and still no water.”


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