Sports complex planned for Didim



DIDIM Mayor Deniz Atabay is preparing to make good promises on plans for a sports complex with a swimming pool and a new bus station.

Mr Atabay, at his weekly press conference, said that files were being prepared by Didim Council officials for a sports and swimming pool complex. Plans are also being laid for a new bus station.

The promises were made as part of the ruling CHP party’s election campaign earlier this year.

The plans will be handed over to Aydin Province officials for consultation. Further details of where the locations and timings of the developments will emerge soon.


The mayor also reflected on the heavy rainfall experienced in Didim recently, stating there were many complaints of flooding, particularly in the lower Altinkum area.

He said that officials would be looking at how to alleviate the flooding, but that it was an ‘historical’ problem for the town.


Didim is understood to have taken back under its wing the Didim Animal Shelter after agreement with Aydin Municipality.

Mr Atabay said there will two vets, while Aydin will provide support with medicine and food for the animals.


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