Mayor wants 10,000 bed capacity for season



DIDIM Mayor Deniz Atabay has spoken of his hope of improvements across the town which will aid its fight in the competitive tourism market later this year

With the Russian rouble in crisis – an issue that Antalya is looking on anxiously at due its popularity with Russian tourists and to a lesser extent to a few hotels in and around the Didim area – Mr Atabay said he still had reason to be positive for the new season.

He said that he wants Altinkum Promenade upgraded and done before the new season, and also wants bed capacity across the hotel sector to be reaching 10,000 and at full capacity.

Mr Atabay said that when he came to power in April 2014, his main aim then was to look at the shortcomings in not only Altinkum, but Akbuk, Akkoy, Akyeniköy and surrounding villages, such as Balat.

He said that one of the first things to realised was the need for the beaches in Altinkum and Akbuk to be regularly cleaned – this is now an ongoing process in readiness for the new season.

There were also a variety of projects put in place to combat peddlars, improvements to the environment and cleansing of the areas, as well as the need to tackle illegal builds.

He acknowledged that Didim lacked leisure and entertainment facilities and there was a need to bring in new investment along those lines.

He also called for Didim, Bodrum and Kusadasi authorities to work together to campaign for more flights into Bodrum out of season so that it could enliven the areas during winter.

Mr Atabay added that work was now ongoing on the Altinkum seafront to improve or eradicate old buildings, with new investments such as the new sewer system for Akbuk, road infrastructure and environmental improvements now in full swing.



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