Council tax rises by 110 percent



COUNCIL Tax in Didim for 2015 has skyrocketed up by 110 per cent.

Residents have been finding their bills have more than doubled as they turn up to pay at Didim Belediye.

One example, a resident last year (2014) paid 44.68TL (£12.41), and for 2015, it’s gone up to 92.40TL.

Another example: a resident who paid 70TL in 2014 saw their 2015 tax go up to 148TL.

The explanation is believed to be a combination of factors from Aydin Municiaplity taking over some services, inflation, Didim Council’s need to hike up rates due to its budget pressures, central government, and road improvements.

Residents are urged to re-check their council bills when they go to pay.


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