Expats flock to carol service



UPWARDS of 50 expats attended the first united Christmas carol service this week.

The small Didim Chapel, which has only been open to Christain Sunday services since the autumn, was packed with expats attending the carol service last Tuesday night.

12345474_980170545381311_7866351889285153199_nThe attendees were aged between six years and up to their 70s. There was a good atmosphere and standing room only as ten traditional carols were sung., Good laugh and joke, ten carols and standing room only.

12341539_980170525381313_8661225217368959923_nThe carol service was the first to be held by the Ecumenical and Evangelical elements of the Christian community here in Didim., Good laugh and joke, ten carols and standing room only.

12345437_980170572047975_4898782179447682278_nFollowing the hour ling service, the attendees enjoyed a mince pie and muld wine at Poseidon Restaurant, which stands opposite Apollo Temple. Didim Mayor Deniz Atabay attended the after service at the restaurant.

Pictures from the night are below:





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