Ministry of Culture’s Altinkum office



EXCLUSIVE (only two years late)

ON the rounds this morning, Voices has stumbled – literally – on a Ministry of Culture and Tourism information centre and in Altinkum!

And it’s right on the front – directly opposite the sculptures by the Didim Tea Garden where the day boats normally are.

ministryAnd what shocked us even more was that there was a very nice chap – Mehmet Ali Guksin –  at his desk.

Even better, was the fact that he has tonnes of leaflets that he wants to give for free to foreigners.


What we understand is that the office has been there for two years, but it is only this year that the signs have gone up to declare him on the map.


So why not pay him a visit when you down the front and pick up a free map of the town, as well as other informative leaflets.

The office is opposite the sculptures and next door to Zivre Hediyelik.




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