International Day of Persons with Disabilities Marked in Didim



To mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3, the Didim Region Association for the Disabled (DİYED) and the Didim Municipality jointly organized an event.

The awareness-raising activity took place in the association’s garden, gathering a multitude of attendees including Can Kazım Kuruca, the District Governor of Didim, Ali Saçan, the Garrison Commander, Ahmet Deniz Atabay, the Mayor of Didim, political party representatives, the Didim Veterans Association, the Didim Help-in-Hands, representatives of civil society organizations, municipal council members, mayoral candidates, along with numerous disabled citizens and their families.

During the event, Resul Yazıcı, the President of DİYED, addressed the audience, stating, “Since taking office, the primary focus of our board has been to engage our disabled brothers and sisters in social activities that integrate them into everyday life.

“We aim to achieve this collectively. I extend my gratitude, on behalf of the entire disabled community, to our esteemed District Governor Can Kazım Kuruca, Garrison Commander Ali Saçan, and especially to our Mayor Ahmet Deniz Atabay, who has never left us alone and has consistently provided unwavering support.”

The event concluded with a sense of unity and a shared commitment to continuing efforts that promote the welfare and integration of individuals with disabilities into all facets of society.


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