“Seven Sleepers” and “Zeus” Attract Great Attention



It is believed the Seven Sleepers Cave near Ephesus is where the “Seven Sleepers” narrative found in Islam and Christianity took place.

The Zeus Cave, at the entrance of the Dilek Peninsula Büyük Menderes Delta National Park, is believed to be the place where the Virgin Mary stayed during her trip to Ephesus.

The caves are mostly visited by those who visit the region for religious tourism.

Cave of the Seven Sleepers: Located in Izmir’s Selçuk district at the foot of Panayır Mountain near Ephesus, it is among the religious tourism spots in the region with the House of the Virgin Mary.

Due to restoration, conservation and landscaping works, visitors have not been allowed into the cave for a while. Visitors can see the cave from 8-10 meters away.

Stating that the region is not suitable for visits at the moment and that visitors are not allowed in closed areas to protect the graves and structures, Topal said, “We are not currently letting visitors in so as not to walk around on the graves. The area is not very suitable. It is rapidly eroding and falling apart.”

Zeus Cave: The 60m-long, 20m-wide Zeus Cave, at the entrance of the Dilek Peninsula Büyük Menderes Delta National Park in Kuşadası, can be reached after a walk of approximately 1 kilometre.

The pond formed by water leakage from the rocks inside the cave has a water temperature that is cold in summer and warm in winter. The water, which is always clean due to the mineral structure of the rocks and water circulation, fascinates those who see it with its turquoise colour.

Visitors can watch and photograph the cave from a specially established platform.

Büyük Menderes Delta National Park Director Özcan Mersin stated that the majority of the visitors of the national park are interested in the cave.

Stating that many stories have been told about the cave, Mersin said, “In mythology, Zeus, the king of the skies, hid here, afraid of Poseidon, the king of the seas. For this reason, this place is called ‘Zeus Cave’. Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus, also came from Samos Island on her way to Ephesus.” She rested here.”

Stating that swimming in the water in the cave is prohibited, Mersin said, “We encounter cases of drowning and death every year. We expect our visitors to be sensitive about this issue.”



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