Surprising Turkish Superstitions



Breaking an Object Made of Glass: Most Turks associate breaking an object made of glass with the disappearance of negative energy or the evil eye. Breaking glass signifies getting rid of bad energy, a form of purification.


Ringing in the Ears: The ringing of the ears is a belief held by some individuals that someone is currently talking about them. According to the belief, when the left ear rings, it indicates positive conversations about the person, while ringing in the right ear signifies negative conversations.


Itching of the Palms: Itching of the palms implies that money is coming or there will be a need to spend money. It is interpreted that itching in the left palm signifies incoming money while itching in the right indicates outgoing money.


Trimming Nails at Night: Trimming nails at night is considered an action that could bring bad luck. According to this belief, cutting nails at night signifies inviting negative energy or calling in misfortune.


Pouring Water behind Someone Leaving on a Journey: This belief is a tradition performed to wish for the safe and prompt return of loved ones or acquaintances embarking on a journey. The act of pouring water is done to convey good wishes.


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